Radhika Arapally
Hotel engineering and maintenance departments have always been the backbone of hotel operations, crucial in guest comfort, safety, security, and overall service quality.
In 2024, The Engineering and Sustainability Summit (TESS) provided a platform for thought leaders to explore the latest technologies and emerging trends shaping the future of the industry. The event sparked progressive discussions and shared best practices, helping engineers and their teams stay ahead of the curve and achieve operational excellence.
As we look ahead to 2025, TESS will continue to serve as a must-attend gathering for engineers dedicated to innovation and sustainability, with even more cutting-edge insights and strategies to propel the industry forward.
Our conferences are certified through the CPD Certification Service, the world’s leading and largest independent CPD accreditation organization working across all industry sectors.
The Hotel Show Dubai's annual Hospitality Leadership Forum provides a rare opportunity to share time with the industry’s most effective leaders as they offer up analysis of how they’ve adjusted their operational structures and tactics over this period, and provide candid insights on how they’re positioning their businesses for the recovery.
Read moreHITEC Dubai offers an intensive education programme planned by an Advisory Council comprised of world-renowned hospitality technologists from some of the region’s best hotels and resorts.
Read moreThis conference is the first of its kind in the Middle East: an association of hotel and hospitality engineers that aim to regulate professional standards, skills development and build alliances among engineers across the region.
Read moreLeading housekeeping experts and practitioners will be holding interactive, in-depth discussions and tutorials on all aspects of the back office profession.
Read moreNine culinary teams from some of the regions’ leading hotels go head-to-head to produce a stunning 5 course meal in the hope of winning the coveted title of ‘Hotel Culinary Team of the Year’, organised and managed by The Emirates Culinary Guild.
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